Saturday, December 16, 2006

Holidays/Winter Begin

So far, this holiday season has been going well. The other day we had the Hiram Holiday Party (or something like that), which is essentially when they close the dining hall and everyone has to go to this huge party to eat. The food was excellent. Quite extravagant! There was so much food (AND dessert) and so many people that they have to use the first and second floors of the Kennedy Center to handle it all. I wish I would have taken some pictures of the food.

In other news, I've decided that my Logic class is very hard. The material doesn't seem difficult, but somehow it is! I really don't understand it myself. One obvious fact, though, is that the workload is heavy. We have to do a ton of logic problems every night, and they can be extremely time-consuming. Tonight, a buddy and I worked on them for 4 hours. Thursday night, we worked on them for roughly 10 hours, not going to bed until 7.30 in the morning. (Luckily we all still got 5 hours of sleep -- it wasn't that bad!)

I also tried NetFlix recently. They kept pestering me to join, and offering me free trials and what not. Eventually I said hey, why not? There can be a real lack of things to do for fun at Hiram, especially if you're not creative (and if you don't have a car, as I don't), so having a steady stream of movies to watch sounded like a good idea. Indeed it was a good idea! The NetFlix service is really nice -- they sent my movies to me in the mail within 2 days, and I sent them back (They provide the envelopes/postage, of course) one by one, after watching them, and they just kept sending me new ones!

Our room turned into a movie theater a few times...

Our room becomes a theater... pictured are 3.5 of the 7 people that watched the movies that night.

Last ni ght my floor also had a Secret Santa party. Secret Santas were randomly selected (for anyone who wanted to participate), and everyone bought a (inexpensive) gift for their person. To make it more interactive and fun, we decided that everyone would leave hints for their person, and then at the party, people had to guess who had gotten their gift. It was a good time.



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