Monday, October 09, 2006


Last week I started a routine of going to the gym with my roommate. Jim has lots of experince with lifting and working out in general, whereas I do not... so it works out great, because I have someone who can sort of direct me. Anyways, on Thursday, we we worked out our arms and our abs. I have probably never worked my arms so hard in my life... but I felt great after doing it. I felt great the next day, too. (A little sore, but it's satisfying)

But then Saturday came. When I woke up on Saturday, my arms were all locked up. I couldn't extend my left elbow more than
90ยบ. It was extremely painful and basically totally sucked. My mom is a physical therapist, and I'd seen her deal with problems like this before. It's simple: unless a muscle is torn or something like that, it simply needs to be stretched out (very slowly). I tried to do this, but I wasn't getting anywhere and it hurt too much.

After grabbing a slice of pizza for breakfast (11.30AM breakfast), I went to the Health Center which apparently is closed on weekends. This didn't make very much sense to me... I guess people can't have health problems on weekends? Ugh. But whatever... I went back to my dorm and layed down on a couch in the lounge, still trying to stretch it out.

After about 20 minutes of that, 2 friends of mine were going to lunch and they saw me laying there. I explained to them my situtaiton and went to lunch with them. Afterwards, my one friend let me use her heating pads (these big things that you put in the microwave and then put on strained muscles.). This helped, although the progress I made didn't stay... the muscle kept contracting.

Anyways, that sucked, but I made progress on it and wasn't about to let it ruin my life.

Then Sunday came.

I woke up on Sunday when my phone rang at 10.30. Jumping out of bed, I promptly fell down on the floor and (presumably) smashing my foot on the corner of one of our desks. This felt great, and I was talking on the phone when I realized that my foot was bleeding. I finished my phone conversation because I realized I had to clean off my foot.

I washed it with hot water, poured some peroxide on it, and threw on a band-aid. Then I put a clean sock on it and continued my day, limping around because I couldn't put pressure on my toes (where the cut was).

About 5.30 that night I had my shoes off and Surprise!, my sock is all red! Hmm. Damnit.

I called my mom again, mainly because I wanted to talk to her about my arms (she had been asking me if I wanted her to drive out and fix my arms, her being a physical therapist). I told her that my arms were getting better and it wouldn't be necessary. But... then I told her about my foot, and she basically said that the job I had done (peroxide and band-aiding it) was probably not enough. She wanted me to take that off, clean it up, put neosporin on it, and bandage the whole thing up. I told her I didn't want to touch it.

Soooo now having three reasons to come out (the third being that I had recieved a package at home that I wanted to get to school), I decided to ask her to come out. She did.

We took care of my foot first. It was much worse than either of us had anticipated. Since some people get very grossed out by details, I'll keep it somewhat vague (I'll include more details at the end of the post, for anyone who wants to read them...hehe)... but basically, I had split open 2 of my toes, one of them being split in 2 different places. She considered taking me to the hospital.

How this had exactly happened, we don't know. I didn't even remember kicking my foot into a sharp edge or anything, but it MUST have happened. Mom cleaned it all up, put ointment on it, and bandaged everything (which required some creativity, because it is in a VERY difficult place).

Hobbling around all day today hasn't been fun, but I'm surviving... and the foot is better than it was yesterday. I just went to the health center about a half hour ago (to have it cleaned and rebandaged). When I took the bandage off, the nurse was VERY impressed with the caliber of my injury (and she said mom's bandage job was very good). "I've seen worse," she said... but then became somewhat unsure, adding "Well, not much worse..."

Whatever... I'm going to live. And at the very least, I'm going to get a good story to tell!

In the future, though, I'll try to be a bit more moderate with my weight lifting (Hiram has very nice facilities now... especially considering how small we are)... I'll also try to not to butcher any other parts of my body.

Anyways, sorry if anyone finds these stories lame, but I felt a need to tell them. Read on if you want to hear the gruesome details.


**Interesting Details**

Ok basically, if you look at your toes, there are two parts to it... a post (the main part of the toe), and a pad at the end of the toe. On my fourth toe, I split the toe right along that line, leaving a gap between the two parts of the toe. Also on that same toe, I sliced off a large part of the pad... it's sort of hanging there. My third toe isn't quite is bad (I think?), but there is a big split right in the middle of the long part of the toe. On Sunday night, it was pretty much totally messed up, with wet or dry blood everywhere. But even after having it cleaned off and rebandaged, I guess it continued to bleed... because when I got to the health center today, I found that it had started to bleed through the bandage. When we took the bandage off, it was very impressive. Not only was the whole area filled with blood, but there was a huge chunk of bandage that got stuck on my one toe... but when she looked at it, she realized that it wasn't part of the bandage. It was actually a huge chunk of my toe! That was kinda cool.


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