Sunday, October 01, 2006

Going Home

Being in college is great for a lot of reasons. I love being on my own and being able to do anything I want. I can do what I want with who I want, whenever I want to do so, and worry about the person I want to become. These are great things. However, this weekend I went home to visit with my best friend on his birthday. Although I was only at home with my parents for a few hours (I stayed with my friend), it really was a reminder of how great home can be. This was the first time that I've been home since I've been at school (about a month and a half).

Having a home-cooked meal was fantastic. Being surrounded by the people who love you most was great too (though we all know that we want to get away from them sometimes.). Seeing the house and my old room was fun (It has never been that clean before -- ever.)

I'm sure a lot of people out there can't wait to get to college so that they can get rid of their parents. I wasn't quite like that myself, but I was definetely ready to leave. Certainly I now have a greater appreciation of all the good things about being home, and all the good things about my parents. I'm sure everyone has things they can appreciate (or should appreciate) about home. At the very least, I know that I liked it when I didn't have to pay to do laundry.

Phil drove me back to Hiram on Saturday night, and I determined at the last minute that I was going to go to the Homecoming dance. (The picture below is of me, getting ready to go to the dance, and my best friend Phil.) It's slightly different from high school dances in that it is largely a social event -- you don't need to go with a date if you don't want to. Most people just go with friends (as I did). Furthermore, another difference is that unlike my high school dances, this one didn't cost me any money! (And a dinner was provided, too)

In the end though, I never was much of a dance person, and I ended up getting bored and bailing out early. I don't blame the dance, though -- everything seemed to be put on very well (excellent food, great decorations, etc). Kudos to the Student Senate for putting on a good dance.

The night turned out pretty decent, though. Obviously not everyone went to the dance, so there were plenty of people to hang out with. My only complaint is that the dining hall was closed, which infuriated me. It's usually open from 7AM to midnight, with unlimited access!

Today I slept in, ate, did some math hw, and finished writing an 8-page paper. Time for dinner.



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